What a ridiculous assertion. I’m flabbergasted by this. I’m going to cite three ways just like the author did, why Joe Biden should NOT step down;
- This story is not going away no matter how much the Biden campaign might want it to.
This is actually a reason? Ridiculous. The story isn’t going away because people like the author and others have a vested interest in it not going away. These people wish to muddy the waters so much, that it depresses the vote on Election day. For what reason? So the man who actually bragged about committing sexual assault against women to retake the office?
- Reade has a credible claim that deserves thorough investigation and reporting.
What makes a claim credible? It’s thorough investigation and reporting. The Washington Post and the New York Times have done exhaustive pieces on this. There were some troubling inconsistencies in Tara’s story, inconsistencies that the author failed to mention in this piece. I wonder why she missed those. That’s exactly what we need. Someone to look into this case to ensure that this is a credible claim and so far, I’ve seen nothing here. Neither has others. She can’t keep her story straight to save her life.
- It is impossible for such a fair hearing to take place so long as Biden is the presumptive nominee.
And here we are. This is what puts the #metoo and #timesup campaigns in dire trouble. This is the problem. Are you seriously suggesting that someone, ANYONE can make a claim against any person running for office, people like you slap the word “credible” on them for whatever reason, and now suddenly they have to step down? Why on earth would anyone want to run for public office when now ANYONE from your past can take even a consensual encounter, and turn it into rape with the twist of a few words. I hope that’s not what you’re suggesting, but it seems that is what it is.
This is highly troubling. This whole piece is.
Tara’s own words and tweets is what did her in. She claimed that she didn’t want to come forth and tell the story because it didn’t look like Joe Biden was going to be the nominee, but as soon as that happened, she sits down with a reporter from the Intercept and tells a story she’s never told before. A now, third or fourth story from her initial story that she told. It’s funny how you left the other incidents out as well.
Answer me this: If Joe Biden truly did this to her, then what did it matter if Joe Biden was the nominee or not? IF what happened to her, truly happened, then she should’ve come forward ANYWAY. What’s right is right? Correct? No? I guess not. Even if Joe Biden was guilty, how does this help other women? So she only comes forward that he’s going to be the Democratic nominee? That’s what bothers me. If Joe Biden was such a predator that the author desperately wants you to think that he is, she should have come forward so that this wouldn’t happen to any other women. If Biden is that threatening, then coming forward would surely help another women, right?
You also failed to mention the time that she committed fraud against a animal rescue, despite the fact that she calls herself an animal abuse advocate. You also left out all the times that she praised her “abuser” online, just to delete all these things later. It doesn’t add up. If she truly admired Biden after he did what he did to her, then why delete these things?
This whole story is just shady and reeks. #metoo has become a place where people settle scores and get political traction against others and that’s not what this is supposed to be about. I’m a 2X survivor and this is a great movement but it seems that people like you are determined to drag this further down in the mud. Now, when other women scream #metoo, the media will now look at those women and say, “What ax does she have to grind?”
We should listen to the stories of women. I’ve always believed that. I didnt come out with my second attack for fear that I wouldn’t be believed. But now, this has become the biggest joke. So Joe Biden should step down, because a claim was made. And you decided that it was credible, because why? The stories that she’s told different people have changed so much. THe only person that has corroborated EVERYTHING she said was the neighbor and she ONLY came forward AFTER Tara happened to jog her memory with a phone call? Seriously? She didn’t give this “neighbor” name to the news organizations looking into this as a person she initially told this to, which happened in 1995 or 1996, which isn’t contemperaneous. At all. This was a couple of years after the fact, and AFTER Tara called her to “jog her memory”.
This entire article was full of exaggerations, untruths, and sadly lies. Joe Biden should not step down. He should keep going. But I’ll sit here and wait for the post you’re not going to write about the allegations on Donald Trump, which are numerous to count. None of the other women who said they were inappropriately touched said that it was sexual. This is the first. SO you can miss me with calling Joe Biden a predator, because that’s ridiculous.
Its just as ridiculous as Tara’s story and this hit piece.