Omarosa Will Be The One To Take Down Trump

4 min readJan 21, 2018


The mother of your children hates you and your children hates you!” Omarosa said to Piers Morgan, delivered with the efficiency and speed that a snake delivers its venom through a bite through the skin. Her words have cut just as deep. She told a woman on Fox News about the size of her boobs and how the correct pronunciation of her name “didn’t matter”, even as she corrected the host of the show when her own name was butchered.

Known as the “Most Hated Woman on Television”, Omarosa is the woman that most people love to hate. And she doesn’t mind at all. She claims regularly that when men come in strong and aggressive, they are respected and seen as great leaders. When women, especially Black women, speak up and act aggressively, they are seen as bitches.

Point taken.

However, Omarosa has taken her celebrity to an entirely different level. Love her or hate her, she was able to parlay her incredibly successful female villain trope on the road and make money doing so. From appearances on The Apprentice and other shows, she has used her “celebrity” to cement herself as part of everything wrong with American television today. And she’s done it better than anyone else. However, gaining alliances with her very powerful friend and now President of the most powerful nation in the world, Donald Trump, she was able to do something that many people haven’t. Give credit where credit is due. Omarosa was able to take her reality show career all the way to the White house door.

Omarosa once told a fellow competitor on a reality TV show that she was not there to make friends. She was there to win. She’s taken that motto to the White House too. Reports from the White House state that she made no friends, lots of enemies, and stepped on a lot of toes. She made incredible demands and took advantage of her relationship with the President by bringing her entire wedding party to the White House without permission.

Omarosa with President Donald Trump in 2017

In December of 2017, her time in the White House came to an end as she was asked to leave the premises with her employment being terminated on January 20, 2018. Reports stated that she had to be physically removed, even setting off alarms in one secured White House room, trying to reenter reportedly trying to speak to the President.

She was interviewed the next day speaking in a cryptic way about the President and her time in the White House, making the statement that the President was “racial and not racist”. She stated that she has her story to tell which left a lot of people wondering what she had up her sleeve. Was she hiding a book up that sleeve?

“When I have my story to tell, as the only African-American woman in this White House, as a senior staff and assistant to the president, I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable, that have upset me, that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that has affected my community and my people,” Manigault Newman told Michael Strahan in a Thursday “Good Morning America” interview. “And when I can tell my story, it is a profound story that I know the world will want to hear.”

She recently negotiated a speaking deal with a Massachusetts firm, according to A recent publisher stated that “Everybody wants it,” with regards to a possible White House tell all. It would be just as popular as “Fire and Fury”, by Michael Wolff, if not even more popular than Wolff’s wordy tome, which reads at times like an academic piece than a salacious gossip column that some seemed to be hoping for in the media.

What do we expect coming from Omarosa? The Queen of Villanry of Reality TV shows. Due to reports coming out that she possibly taped private and confidential conversations on her iPhone in the White House, the details and chaos coming from this presidency seems to be getting worse. With the “best people” that Trump chose to be on his team more worried about settling old scores and getting even with each other rather than the people’s business, there seems to be no end in sight.


If one ever wanted to get the most salacious and scandalous details out of the White House, then Omarosa would be the one to deliver. Omarosa is the ultimate score settler. She expected Trump to come to her rescue when General Kelly had her thrown out and fired. He didn’t. She gave this President loyalty when all she seemed to be asking for was a little access, a job title that no one quite understood, and the ability to do what she wanted and when she wanted.

So where does that leave Omarosa? In a powerful position. She may have audio of actual conversations that went on in the White House. She may be privy to key information that Mueller needs to conduct his investigation. She may be sitting on a gold mind of information by her sly way of popping in and out of places that she was not authorized to be. She could very well be the most powerful Black woman in America if she is sitting on a treasure trove on information that could lead to the indictment of a sitting President. Anita Hill was one Black woman that nearly toppled a Supreme Court nominee. Could Omarosa take down a President?

Love her or despise her, Omarosa always got the last laugh with those that didn’t detect her as a threat soon enough. Looks like Trump may have made the same miscalculation.




Written by supermodelsonya

I fight Lupus w/chemo. 😘 Astrophysics Wheelchair 💁🏾-watch your ankles!♿️🇩🇪🌈 I eat MJ haters 4 lunch. Debating me is foolish w/any topic Don’t. 🔱

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