I donated. This is awful. What was so terrible in him grabbing his personal papers that he needed? Why not act civil towards people.
This is my personal belief. It's my experience that when you talk to people online, they tend to equate "black person" with "BLM" and sometimes "looter" and "rioter" interchangeably. It doesn't matter that you may not be affiliated or even choose to believe in BLM, or have ever broken a law in your life.
People will still see you the same way, especially some members of law enforcement. I have had the privilege of hearing cops utter, "let them figure it out" when they are called to the scene of an incident that includes black people, again, not treating us as indivudals, but as one large group that thinks with one mind. They dont' see us the same way they see whites, who they see as individuals.
So, that officer COULD have been thinking, "Hey, you want to protest against me? then Fuck you." I don't know that to be true in this case, but I've seen it in others. And that's why we march. To be seen as individuals, not responsible for each other merely because we happen to be part of the same racial group.
Again, not saying that was the case here, but I suspect it to be so. Black Lives Matter.