How DNA Tests Could Destroy Racism
Welcome to you.
Spit in this cup and in six weeks, your entire life will be disrupted by the results. You’ll try to rationalize the results you don’t like away to a mistake and then only remember the parts of the test that confirm what you already believed about yourself.
If you’re a Black person in America, you already know that your ancestry is a mix of Native, White, and Sub Saharan African. There is no big mystery here, other than the percentage. However, for White people, some are getting the shock of a lifetime when they recieve their test results.
To answer this question, lets go back to when most of their ancestors decided to come to this country. Let’s get this straight. Many White Americans are second, third, and fourth generation Americans. Sometimes, you get the feeling that ALL White people descended from the Mayflower, especially when they get on their high horse and tell you to “GO Back to Africa”. However, many African Americans have been here much longer than that. I am a 9th generation American. Many African descendants can make that claim.
When many Europeans came here in the late 19th and early 20th century, they lied about their origins. They claimed that they came from places like France or Germany to cover up the real places that they’ve come from. Many Whites are shocked to see a lot of Eastern European genes in their test results. Many of them rely on family lore than the truth or scientific evidence. Their families spun tall tales about the family origins, hoping it would better their position in society. In some cases it worked. Many women and men were able to marry into better families and bettered their lot in life by doing so.
African Americans were unable to take advantage of this unless they “passed” for White in this country. Then, and only then were they able to marry White men and have “White” children.
Or so they thought.
Nicole Persley, seen in the middle, was one of those White people believing that she was 100% White. However, she learned that she had a family member that simply “passed”. She dated Black men and even had many Black friends. THEY KNEW! They would always ask her if she had “Black” in her family but Nicole would deny it. Until she took the DNA test.
The truth is that many European Americans claim Native ancestry moreso than they do African American ancestry. However, statistics show that Whites are more likely to have African blood inside of them moreso than Native American blood.
Hear that Elizabeth Warren? Makes you wonder why they would rather claim Native ancestry moreso than sticking to what would be more likely, such as having African ancestry.
These revelations have left some Whites reeling and in denial about their heritage. They would rather deny the science than to accept the truth about their African roots. This is something that is widely accepted in our communities but Whites in this country have a very long way to go when it comes to accepting the truth about race and race relations.
White people, please understand that we’ve lived in this country side by side for many generations. While your ancestors did their best to keep Black men from marrying White women, they weren’t so careful in making sure that they didn’t tip toe over to our homes and sleep with Black women wantonly. This created the very miscegenation that Whites wanted so desperately to get rid of. This has been going on since we came to this country. What in the world did you expect would happen?
If only that old Confederate grandfather would have kept it in his pants, you all could go on ranting about how “pure” the White race is, while the rest of us continue to laugh at your delusions. The time for pure races is over. Blame the Confederate dead and some of the Union troops as well. Racism worked wonders on both sides of the Mason-Dixon. But please stop pretending to be so shocked about your African ancestry. What are you so upset about? We’ve had to deal with race mixing for a very long time now. Black men would get strung up on trees for doing what your great great Grandfathers couldn’t wait to do with the Black women that lived near them.
So celebrate your Black heritage. Go on! Don’t be shy! I probably won’t see you at the Black picnic…you’re not ready for all that yet, but the next time you yell White Lives Matter, expect a few side eyes from me…ok?