As an actual Biden supporter, this reeks of desperation. I was raped by a teacher in high school and then six months later, violently sodomized in a classroom at an afterschool function.
This whole narrative “Believe Women” turns out the women who we should not believe because they’ve lied very publicly. Why can’t we hear women and then vet their stories? I’m saying this as a woman who was not believed. I know what that feels like and yet it makes me sick that more women do not get upset at other women who make false allegations for some kind of personal gain?
Don’t they see, they are destroying the very movement that has advanced a great narrative at first. Now, it’s turned into a witchunt. A literal witchhunt. This story has no credibility. I’ve seen her story change over and over again. My story against my attackers have never once changed. Why? Becuase it’s the truth.
It’s unreal that I see Bernie supporters willing to jump on one silly tweet they saw on Twitter, and were willing to say that Biden had to be guilty because “Believe Women”. Jesus, what happens now?
What happens people start to point to the people who constantly lie for personal gain, knowing that they were never sexually harassed? You know what happens? TimesUp and MeToo become complete jokes. Everyone will go back to not listening to them, seeing that these movements have quickly turned into ways to get back at people who wronged you in some way or your political opponent.
As a country, we seem pretty fine with the biggest admitted sexual predator in the White House. 10–12% of Bernie supporters voted for this sexual predator over Hillary in 2016. Many in states where (The Midwest) these votes did a big disservice and put this man in office. Amazing, that now even though some of them voted for Trump or didn’t vote at all, they are suddenly upset and calling Biden a “violent predator”? Does this story even remotely make sense to you?
Not if you have a brain. I happen to have one and I call Bullshit.